Monday, July 1, 2019

Fat Grafting In Lahore

Fat grafting in Lahore, fat transfer by the best plastic surgeon in lahore

Fat grafting under eyes

What is fat grafting?

Fat grafting in Lahore is also known as fat transfer. In a fat grafting procedure, fat tissue is removed from other parts of your body that include usually thighs, belly, and buttocks.

What is facial fat grafting?

Facial fat grafting is done on a face to improve the presence of cheeks, bosoms, rear end and lips.

How long does it take to recover from facial fat transfer?

Facial fat transfer recovery time varies from patient to patient. Most people should arrange to take at least 7-10 days off from work and other social activities. Initial healing takes a few weeks, after which the swelling will gradually subside before the final results are apparent.

What are the side effects of fat transfer?

Significant bruising and swelling temporary numbness are some common side effects after a surgical fat transfer.

What is the recovery time for fat transfer to buttocks?

For the recovery, it's very important for a patient to keep pressure off the buttocks or the breasts as much as possible for the first 2 weeks. The swelling will start to decrease after 1-2 weeks and the area will begin to get smaller. It is recommended to eat a high carbohydrate diet after fat transfer.

How long does fat grafting surgery take?

It takes up to six months for a surgical fat grafting to fully take effect. Some of the injected fat may be reabsorbed by your body during the first few months after the procedure

How is a fat transfer done?

Fat transfer or fat grafting in Lahore is performed on an outpatient both the area from which the fat is taken and the treatment site are anesthetized with a local anesthetic. For this procedure a plastic surgeon uses a small needle through it fat is removed from an area of the body where it is tightly packed, such as the abdomen or the buttocks

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